The Original Card
(corrected over a dozen different ways)
* Facts: Card photo was taken at Fenway Park (Boston) sometime between June 24th and June 26th, 1988. Baltimore made two trips to Boston during the season - the other being in September '88. During that second trip to Boston, the team had the letters 'EBW' in large font on the left sleeve to honor the passing of owner Edward B. Williams. Billy wore the #7 jersey only during the 1988 season. His father (Cal Sr. & team manager) was fired after the first 6 games and wore #7.

* Opinion Only: After seeing a recent blog about 'who wrote the F-Face words' - HERE - I decided to give my opinion. Having seen several autographs from Billy over the years, it appears we have a match. He even signed an 8x10 for us saying 'Good LUCK'. The last 3 letters in LUCK look familiar? Other personalized items show many of the different letters used in F-Face. They all match. I don't know who 'Jake Howard' is, but look at the letters 'A' and 'E' - a match again. I believe Billy wrote these words on his own batting practice bat - not Cal, not another teammate.

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